środa, 1 stycznia 2014


My name is Przemek Lenc.

0 - born in Katowice, Poland 
18 - moved to London to start my own life 
24 - then to Vietnam
25 - and back to Poland
25 - and to Berlin
30 - here I am in Berlin running my little Ashtanga Yoga Room

and yoga related,

0 - first breath
23 - first Ashtanga class, London
28 - Ashtanga Teacher Training, Goa
29 - setting up my own studio Ashtanga Yoga Room, Berlin
30 - Intermediate Series

I have been introduced to Ashtanga Yoga during my studies in London in 2006.
Later due to lack of near-by yoga centres I have found a Power Yoga video of Rodney Yee.
And this was my 60-min practice for around 6 years, 

During that time I have been always incorporating yoga asanas into my daily life, doing a bit here and there - in parks, at the airports.  

My 1-hour lunch brake at work used to be: 

dinner > 20-min power nap > 20-min yoga > coffee > get back to work

In 2012 I thought,
 "I have been doing some sort of yoga asanas for so many years but what is Yoga." 
To me it has always been a body workout. Fitness. Internal massage. 
So I booked a flight to India to do a 200-h Ashtanga Teacher training.
In was a good starting point. 
I was introduced to Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. 

The year 2013 I spent practicing the Primary Series
Recently I have started the Intermediate Series and this is my daily practice for the moment. 

Good night, 


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